Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sitting Bull

Traffic was terrible tonight - - but it did give me the opportunity to survey the landscape of our local restaurant row. You can hardly miss the signs for the big three - - Hooters, Twin Peaks, and Big Racks. Twin Peaks is the newest addition - - it previously was the Red Lobster (and I am sure there are interior design firms that can take you from sandy beaches to alpine meadows).

There is a large segment of the population (male) that thinks "This-has-nothing-to-do-with-breasts" and "The-chicken-wings-are-really-good." But the business model for this particular restaurant franchise points out three specific national problems. One - - we are too fat and we eat out too much. When you have a Hooters next to a Twin Peaks next to a Big Racks - - it illustrates that the restaurant market is just way too saturated. Two - - we recently nominated a female Supreme Court Justice. We previously confirmed another female Supreme Court Justice. The Secretary of State is female. The Speaker of the House is female. The incoming 2014 college class is more female than male. We may have better gender equality - - but we still have the same old poor taste and low class problems. Three - - we have an innovation, creativity, and education problem. At some point you flat just run out of restaurant names - - and our education system is so poor no one will ever get Grote Borsten or Tetas.

Sitting Bull? In the age of Hooters, Twin Peaks, and Big Racks - - one has to admire the names that he and other Indians gave their wives and daughters. Sitting Bull had a lot more class in 1876 than we do in 2010 with - - Many Horses, Four Blankets Woman, Seen by the Nation, and Standing Holy.

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